Our first harvest having embraced the idea of growing our own vegetables in the already established veggie centre. Not sure what to do with all the cabbages - it looks nice - there are 10 of them ! any ideas ?
The tomatoes are showing promise with a huge amount on vines currently green. the plastic bag is bits and bobs for Snowcone. We also have iceberg lettuces growing nicely and huge cobs of corn growing tall and straight. There is potatoes, squash, italian parsley and carrots. The centre already had a lemon tree in it and i think there is an apple tree - i have not yet established what it is.
I am Jealous seeing those home grown tomatoes. That is a lot of cabbbage for two. I like to finely shred it and saute it with cumin. Here is a link for a cabbage salad that i haven't tried but like the sound of. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1023786-scrunched-cabbage-salad-with-fried-almonds.