We have now been here in our #countryliving place that is just fabulous - discoveries abound and learning to live with wildlife, the range of birds, a platypus and resident tiger snake. We came with cats who have a wonderful cat run built (over 9 months) and a dairy cow, 'snowcone' who is living her life out in retirement. Check out our youtube channel with various playlists covering all those aspects.
My studio is a fabulous, huge (hangar size) shed complete with electrics, concrete floor, roller doors and is insulated ... how lucky i feel. Particularly since my partner runs a small car-hire company and the shed really looks like a man-shed. We both knew i 'needed' it. So a quick walk around .... its a huge space - i have organised areas into office space, textiles with pin board, assemblage area, a section where 'clean' creative pursuits are done including bookmaking, collage and research (with books in shelving), a large portion is painting walls, tables and easels and bench space for printmaking.