During October until today I am playing with monoprinting ... i have been inking up glass plates, plastic and gel plates and exploring garden plants and grasses. some nice outcomes and a few long book pages on the go.
I tried a few techniques including direct drawing on the plate, layering shapes and colours, drying layers in between other layers. A few successful images i think and enjoyed exploring 'grasses' which covers a few techniques. A few toward the end of the slide show are unsuccessful as i overdid the layers. Images below.
This video explores a pile of prints completed. including some of the prints in the slide show above but lots that are not featured above. It also looks at a book that has been completed by joining together the long sheets and folding, accordian style. During this video i came to the conclusion that a few sections on the pages can be enhanced and i shall do this over the next few days of printing. I also need to think about a cover.