I am a multi-award winning creative artist and poet
living and working in country Tasmania
​working across all media including painting, collage, artist books,
assemblage, slow stitching, experimental process based images, poetry (and more)
find me and my work here
blogging about my lifestyle as an artist living in country Tasmania
the full story
Coming to art late in life I am passionate about exploring a sense of place and being.
I began with calligraphy for many years attending the West Australian University of Advanced Education and learning via the Digby Stuart College in London (by correspondence). During this time i was introduced to Life Drawing and Art History.
Mostly self-taught I was very fortunate in the early days to be a part of the Snakepit Arts co-op in Launceston, Tasmania during the 90s. The one-on-one workshops and support from some of Tasmania's top artists remains with me ever since.
From that time onwards, I find, very occasionally, a workshop or two that suits my thinking and ways of working.
The other milestone in my life was 10 months of travelling to Hobart, from the north, once a fortnight to attend a Creative Research Program for Contemporary Arts with Dr Ruth Hadlow.
During the last 5 years, I work every day out of my studio with the thought in mind
'get miles on the canvas'. Just do, do , do ....
and i do.